Resisting Technology

 · Carolyn Crabb

Guest Post

Today’s blog post comes from Joe Marino, President of M&S. Joe recently presented at the annual meeting of the Association of Schools and Colleges of Optometry (ASCO) in St. Louis, along with other industry leaders in technology, about the importance of embracing the technological advances available to today’s eyecare professional.

There is a problem that exists within eye care and it deals with a lack of general understanding of how technology could assist the eye care professional in their practice. I have spoken at great length with my peers and eye care professionals and have come to the realization that the lack of understanding technology is not an academia issue, nor a company or Doctor issue, but rather an industry problem. A severe one.

As a technology company, we challenge ourselves to develop products and services to assist the eye care professional in not only increasing the quality of care provided but increasing Doctor and staff efficiency. This will result in increased throughput, profitability and ultimately more satisfied patients. These days profitability is a concern due to ever decreasing reimbursements and the unknown impact of the Affordable Care Act but one thing is for certain: we are all going to have to do more with less. In many cases, the eye care professional acts as a data collector rather than an interpreter. The eye care professionals need to allow technology to do its job and collect data, minimize bottle-necks, increase production and allow the Doctor to do what they do best and that is to solve patient problems.

Thanks, Joe! For more information about ASCO, click HERE.

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