Of Eyes and Men

 · Carolyn Crabb

June is Men’s Health Month and Sunday is Father’s Day. In honor of all the men and Dads in our lives, this post is for you!

The healthier you are, the better chance you have of avoiding risks to your eyes. Vision naturally deteriorates as we grow older, starting most often in middle age. However, problems like blurry vision, blind spots, halos around lights, and tunnel vision can indicate a serious eye condition like cataracts, glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, retinal detachment, or macular degeneration. Or it could indicate a health problem such as a migraine, a stroke, or a brain tumor. Regular eye check-ups are an important step in heading off these health conditions. Here are a few more healthy vision tips for men:

Avoid Smoking

Quitting smoking can have many good effects on your health and protect the health of your eyes. By quitting, you can help to possibly reduce your risk of developing several different types of eye diseases. Quitting smoking may reduce your risk of developing:

  • Age-related Macular Degeneration
  • Cataracts
  • Glaucoma
  • Diabetic retinopathy if you are diabetic

Eat Healthy Foods

Lifelong good nutrition may lower your risk of some eye diseases. By eating a healthy, balanced diet, you will have a better chance of staying healthy and keeping your eyes healthy. Talk to your doctor before adding vitamins to your diet. Also, other research has suggested that a lifetime diet rich in certain dark green vegetables, such as spinach and kale, may reduce your risk of getting AMD. We’ve posted more about eye nutrition HERE and HERE.

Stay Active

Staying active is part of a healthy lifestyle that can improve your overall health. Exercising regularly can reduce your risk of developing problems that can lead to eye disease. (Talk to your doctor before starting an exercise program.)

Control Your Blood Pressure

Controlling your blood pressure is not just a good idea for your heart; it is also a good idea for protecting your eyesight. High blood pressure can increase your risk for glaucoma. It may also increase your risk for diabetic retinopathy if you have diabetes.

Protect Your Eyes from the Sun

You already know that you need to wear sunscreen to protect your skin from ultraviolet (UV) rays when you are outdoors. But do you know that you also need to wear protective sunglasses to protect your eyes from those same UV rays? Read more about choosing the rights shades HERE.


The M&S Smart System Computerized Vision Testing system is the top choice for the forward-thinking eye care professional. Ask if your eye doctor carries our system and, if not, tell them about the Smart System from M&S!

Photo courtesy of Flikr.

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