And Now a Word from Our Sponsor…

 · Carolyn Crabb

Kidding! Chevrolet produced this interesting video back in 1938 (high-tech for the time?) about how the human eye functions and sees colors.

My rating: 4 out of 5 stars…would’ve been 5 if the lobster had snapped at that guy’s hand. Click HERE to view.

The end frame says “A Jam Handy Picture”. Henry Jamison “Jam” Handy was a U.S. Olympic breaststroke swimmer (Bronze, 1904) and water polo player (Bronze, 1924), who began making films during WWI about how to operate military equipment. After the war he began making films for the auto industry. He was noted for never having a desk at work. And his suits didn’t have pockets, as he thought they were a waste of time.

Video and stills from Library of Congress Prelinger Archive via YouTube


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